Take These Steps to Lower Your Electric Bill This Summer

With summer right around the corner, everyone is looking forward to sunny days by the pool and backyard barbecues. The thing no one wants to think about is the surging utility bills that come with daily air conditioner use. Luckily, there are a few ways you can chip away at electricity costs this summer and spend a little more time worrying about which brats to grill instead of how to pay the bill.


  • Change Filters. To keep your air conditioning system running at peak efficiency, make sure all parts are clean. This includes your air filters. Air filters should be changed or cleaned on a regular basis. It varies, depending on the filter type and quality, but most should be changed at a minimum of every six months.
  • Turn Off the AC. Of course, your air conditioning is essential on the hottest of days but consider shutting it off and enjoying some fresh air on cooler, breezy days. It also cuts your electricity usage back greatly if you turn it off when you go to work during the day or at night while you’re sleeping.
  • Programmable thermostats are a great way to save money on utilities. You can take the worry out of trying to remember to adjust the temperature for different times of day by setting the thermostat to do it for you. Even if you don’t have a programmable thermostat, you can save a little by keeping your lowest setting at no less than 78-80 degrees.
  • Curtains, Blinds, and Fans. An easy way to keep the interior of your home cooler is by keeping blinds and drapes drawn. Blocking the sun’s rays from coming through the windows can reduce heat gain by up to 33%. Remember to also use your ceiling fans to circulate the air in your home. Keeping the cool air from the AC moving should enable you to keep the thermostat set a little higher. Ceiling fans are also perfect on those days when you turn off the AC and open the windows.


No matter what time of year it is, Winters Electric is always here for any of your electrical needs in Medford, OR. Our experienced electricians take time to get to know our customers’ needs and provide the exemplary service we have built our reputation on. Call us today at (541) 664-4505 to and speak to a professional about your electrical needs.

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